Umami DAO
DeFi project
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Channel Partnership Details
February 1, 2024
Umami DAO Integrates Chainlink Data Streams to Power GM Vault Strategies
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Data Streams
Umami DAO

212What’s a Rich Text element?

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Static and dynamic content editing

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Umami DAO is pioneering in the DeFi space by offering top-tier, non-custodial yield products called vaults, for core cryptocurrencies like $USDC, $BTC, and $ETH. We aim to construct professional-grade DeFi products that cater to both retail and institutional capital, with an emphasis on crypto-native funds.

Focused on becoming a liquidity hub on Arbitrum, we simplify the user experience in yield farming, automating processes like hedging and managing liquidity pools and focusing on a permissionless, decentralized experience that requires minimal intervention - simply deposit and earn. 

Our aim is to drive widespread DeFi adoption by making advanced financial strategies accessible to all and to establish a one-stop platform for seamless crypto asset management.

Built on Arbitrum, Ethereum's foremost Layer 2 scaling chain, the Umami protocol is governed by $UMAMI token holders. We empower $UMAMI holders by allowing them to steer the project's direction. Our goal is to redirect revenue back to holders in the form of $WETH, a commitment that is beyond dispute.

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Data Streams