Terrestrial Rock
Collection of 3333 unique NFTs
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July 19, 2022
Terrestrial Rock Integrates Chainlink VRF To Help Power Meteorite Giveaway
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Terrestrial Rock

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Terrestrial rock is a collection of 3333 unique NFTs that are real photographs and videographs of our priceless collectibles (i.e. meteorites). After preliminary inspections, we concluded that we hold nothing other than Lunar Meteorites as in pieces of moon, hence we marked our launch date on July 20th 2022, which is also celebrated as National Moon Day.

When we did our research we found out that there isn’t any single trusted meteorite marketplace online where people could purchase real certified meteorites safely. Here we come in and fill the demand. We will build a meteorite and precious stone marketplace on Decentraland, where anyone holding our NFTs will be able to walk in virtually and purchase real certified meteorites of different kinds that we source from our network of meteorite collectors along with other precious stones like omani pearls, emeralds, and much more.

Knowledge is power! With the right information anyone can survive and thrive in this highly competitive world. The Virtual University is solely aimed towards serving humanity as a whole as our CEO believes the right education can solve the majority of problems in the world and even bridge the gap between the rich and the poor to a great extent. Anyone holding our DAO token will be able to learn world-class education for literally free. Detailed information about our utilities will be revealed on our white paper v2.

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