Adaptive Resources
Crypto, fintech, and responsible sourcing experts
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April 8, 2022
Adaptive Resources Receives Chainlink Grant to Support Responsible Trade of Raw Materials through NFT Certificate System and Marketplace
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Adaptive Resources

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Adaptive Resources is a new venture created by a small team of crypto, fintech, and responsible sourcing experts. This work will be led by blockchain engineer Evan Powlowsky, who is developing the smart contract architecture and frontend for the project. The project will be supported by Dave Snow, a fintech and solar professional, and Jon Ellermann, a responsible trade and sustainability consultant.

Adaptive Resources is building a decentralized application that generates non-fungible “claim tokens” along with an accompanying marketplace. These non-fungible tokens (NFTs) represent a claim on the funding required to support sustainable practices and can be purchased in proportion to how much of a commodity that a company consumes. To prove their support for responsible trade practices, companies along the supply chain will be able to either mint new NFTs or purchase them in the marketplace. With the support of Chainlink Price Feeds, new tokens minted will be able to reflect commodity prices at the time of purchase, enabling companies to demonstrate that they have contributed to supporting sustainability practices in proportion to their financial exposure. Proceeds from token sales will go toward financing environmentally-friendly site improvements, increasing worker pay, and helping drive the adoption of “due diligence” practices that make improvements across the value chain.

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